I steel Copy Compose And Print A 3D printed collection that raises questions on the copyrightissues that are emerging along sidethe fast growing 3D printing industry. What impact will thisnew production method really have on us as a consumer, designer, or producer? By usingcutting edge 3D printing techniques to copy and mash-up, compose parts of established icons Ihave creatednew design pieces. I try to show that your 3D printer is your future 3D copyingmachine. At the same time it’s a tribute to a few of my favorite designers. Is it Rietveld? Is itArne Jacobsen? Is it Eames? Is it Ross Lovegrove? No it’s a Schne…..
Mash Up Chair
3D printed ABS plastic
L 75 W 75 H 80 cm
7+1 a.p.